Left inheritance group

The inheritance group on the left side.

How to edit elements inside the inheritance group

Inheritance group can be edited in a similar way to the element group. Use the toggle menu to open the group editor. Edit the title and the description of the inheritance group in the dialog. Use the add dialog to drag & drop the contents.

Right inheritance group

The inheritance group on the right side.

How to edit elements inside the inheritance group

Inheritance group can be edited in a similar way to the element group. Use the toggle menu to open the group editor. Edit the title and the description of the inheritance group in the dialog. Use the add dialog to drag & drop the contents.

Use Case 1

Description: no changes to the elements of the inheritance group.

  • The content of the inheritance group in this navigation level is inherited automatically from the upper level.
  • No changes are applied to the elements of the inheritance group, so its content is automatically passed on to the below level.

How to get inheritance information for an element inside the inheritance group?

  • Edit the inheritance group by clicking the pencil icon of its toggle buttons. The inheritance edit dialog is opened in an overlay.
  • Open the toggle buttons of the element, for which you would like to retrieve the information, and hover the inheritance icon with the mouse. The information from which container page this element is inherited, is displayed in a tool tip.